
My name is Rico Tice and I am the Evangelist at Christianity Explored Ministries, and previously the Senior Minister (Evangelism) at All Souls, Langham Place in London.

I joined All Souls in 1994 during the later years of the ministry of John Stott, where my main role is to help the hundreds of enquirers about the Christian faith who come through the doors of the church each year.

All Souls has been the laboratory for the Christianity Explored course, which I helped to develop. Christianity Explored introduces people to Jesus through the Gospel of Mark by unpacking the three big themes of Jesus’ Identity, Mission and Call. Additional resources have followed, including the Life Explored course in 2016 and a three-session course called Hope Explored in 2022.

My book Honest Evangelism was published in 2015 to equip Christians to share their faith in a world of increasing hostility and hunger for Jesus. A book exploring the things that really matter for a successful ministry, Faithful Leaders, was published in March 2021.

The son of a businessman and a nurse, I was born in Chile and grew up in Uganda and Zaire. I studied history at Bristol University and trained for ordination at Wycliffe College, Oxford (when I wasn’t playing rugby!)

Other than rugby, my hobbies include playing golf and watching films. I married Lucy in December 2008, and together we have three children – Peter, Daniel and Mercy.